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A bouquet of happy see through flowers and leaves in multicolored color . The light goes through these resin flowers and create a beautiful stunning shade of colors on the wall. The chandeliers lamp is elegant and unique that will be a piece of jewelry in your bedroom, living room, kitchen or even bathroom.


* The chandeliers is 13" diameter
* the color of the leaves and flowers is shades of red, green, orange ,yellow. the body bronze color
* Round closing to the ceiling at the size of 5" diameter in a lovely bronze color
* Teflon see through wire at the length of 40"
* The lampshade requires 3 G9 bulbs
* Maximum light 180w
* Made out of metal wire, and handmade polyester/resin flowers
* The Lamp can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, feather brush, wet wipe towels
* Bulbs not included
* customer can order the color want 
* delivery EMS that take about 4 days


Hanging Flower Light

SKU: LGT2001
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